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男同志是什么意思 - 男同志的解释

  • 作者: 网友推荐
  • 来源: 心情日记网
  • 发表于 2023-03-09
  • 被阅读
  • 男同志一词也称为“gay”,主要指的是性取向非异性恋的同性恋者。“同性恋”一词的语源于希腊语,意思是爱好同性,倾向于性别相同的人。“ Gay”这个词源于法语,意思是快乐、欢乐,在19世纪50年代,美国同性恋者用“gay”这个词自称,后来逐渐演变成“男同志”的意思。



    性取向是指一个人对异性或同性的性倾向,可以是异性恋、同性恋或双性恋。“Gay”is also a term for homosexual men. Homosexuality is a sexual orientation in which a person is attracted to people of the same sex. The word “homosexuality” comes from the Greek words for “same” and “sex”, meaning “sexually attracted to the same sex”. The word “gay” comes from the French word for “happy” or “joyful”. In the 1950s, homosexual men in the United States began to call themselves “gay”. The word has since come to mean “homosexual man”. Sexual orientation is a person’s attraction to members of the opposite sex, the same sex, or both sexes.。

      本文标题: 男同志是什么意思 - 男同志的解释

      本文链接: https://www.glkpw.com/chengyugushi/156582.html